Thursday, 9 February 2012

What causes allergy?

By Tim Howden ND BHSc MNHAA
Allergies are conditions of hypersensitivity involving an overactive immune system.
The physiological and biochemical pathways that drive allergic responses involve a complex set of feedback systems, chemical messengers and inflammatory mediators.

The main point to understand is that All allergies have multiple causes. Here's a list of typical culprits.

  • Genetic
  • Epigenetic
  • Biological
  • Environmental Stressors
  • C-Section
  • Non-breast fed babies
  • Reduced gut flora
  • Hygiene hypothesis
  • Immaturity of gut lining
  • Poor gut function
  • Intestinal permeability
  • Immune system imbalance
  • Food intolerance
  • Nutrient malabsorption
  • Poor diet
  • Chronic inflammation

Over the next few weeks we will elaborate on these cause help you understand what drives the allergic response. From this you will develop take home strategies to improve your allergies and reduce their frequency and severity.

Allergy Types

By Tim Howden ND BHSc MNHAA
Food Allergy has be come a major worldwide health concern over the past two decades and is associated with a significantly negative impact on quality of life.  Approximately 8% of children are affected by food allergy. True food allergy is an associated with abnormal immune response that is driven by food proteins leading to adverse clinical reactions. Food intolerance is not associated with an immune response and includes  such things as enzyme insufficiency, lactose intolerance, amine sensitivity and various toxic reactions.

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects up to 20% of children living in industrialized countries.

Eczema can have an allergic element driven by an overactive and inappropriate immune response.  It  typically arises in small patches behind the knees or in the creases of the elbows.  It can be dry or weeping in character and is always red and angry looking.

Asthma is a condition of inflammation and hypersensitivity. It is indirectly associated with allegic cnditions. The prevalence of Asthma is highest in westernized countries with up to 20% of children under 12 months being diagnosed. It is characterized by inflammation of the lower lower respiratory tract with airway narrowing and the production of mucous. Asthma is a result of a complex interaction between several cells, mediators and neural pathways. The airways become hypersensitive, the individual becomes wheezy, breathless and coughing is usually present.  Commonly, it is worse in cold weather and may be bought on by strenuous exercise or stress. Chronic asthma is a debilitating condition when poorly managed and can be life threatening to certain individuals.

Natural Remedies for your Children

By Tim Howden ND BHSc MNHAA
Welcome to Holistic Allergy Medicine!
This blog is a precursor to a new website that we are developing.

It will provide you with answers, solutions and strategies to effectively treat Eczema, Asthma, Food Allergy.

You'll learn what causes these conditions and how to treat them using a multitude of strategies including,

  • Food as medicine 
  • Lifestyle changes 
  • Home remedies  
  • Herbal medicine
  • Homoeopathy
  • Nutritional medicine

Here's what surgeon Dr Valerie Malka had to say about natural medicine:  
        "natural or alternative medicine is far more effective - particularly for chronic illness 
            which modern medicine is completely unable to treat or cure."
                                                    -SMH Feb 4, 2012 Opinion

Holistic Allergy Medicine has been designed as a hub to help parents and carers make informed choices on integrative natural medicine for their children.

The information on this site has been compiled by trained and qualified health professionals with an area of speciality in pediatric allergy and related topics.

We aim to educate, not medicate!
